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The Director plans, organizes, directs, controls and evaluates, under the direction of a General Manager or other senior manager, the operations of transportation companies or services. The Freight Movement Transport Manager plans, organizes, directs, controls and evaluates, under the direction of a General Manager or other senior manager, the movement of goods. He or she works in freight forwarding and transportation companies, shipping agencies and in the shipping departments of retail, manufacturing and utility companies.
Between 35 360 $ and 127 360 $
Considering the expected evolution of labor demand and the unemployment situation at the start of the period, the outlook for labor market integration is satisfactory.
Professional training at university or college level
Trailer mechanics
Repair and maintenance specialists, experts in electrical, pneumatic, hydraulic and bodywork systems.
Coordinator / Foreman
Supervises and coordinates the work of drivers for a trucking company.
6450, rue Notre-Dame Ouest, Bur. 200
Montréal (Québec) H4C 1V4
Phone : 514 932-0377
Toll free : 1 800 361-5813
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