Trailer mechanics

Truck trailer repair specialists have the knowledge, skills and abilities to diagnose defects in electrical, pneumatic and hydraulic systems, running gear, coupling units, refrigeration units and other equipment. perform maintenance.

Job description

    • These professionals must also be able to replace and repair bodywork elements and the chassis frame following wear or road accidents. DIYers of all kinds work with a wide variety of systems and materials.


  • Repair
  • Inspection
  • Maintenance of trailer suspension, brakes and electronics

Job characteristics

Annual salary

Between 20,000$ and 27,000$

Future outlook

  • Supervisor
  • Workshop foreman
  • Maintenance Director
  • Repair shop owner


Certificate of vocational studies in truck trailer mechanics (AEC – 780 hours)

Ideal profile

  • Manual tasks
  • Mechanical
  • Problems solving


  • Have obtained secondary 3 credits or the equivalent in language of instruction, second language and mathematics
  • Have obtained an education level equivalence certificate (AENS)
  • Have passed the general development test with or without specific prerequisites (TDG). Have interrupted full-time studies for at least twelve months
  • Be 18 years old at the time of entry into training
  • Have obtained a secondary school diploma (DES) or a professional studies diploma (DEP) or their equivalent
  • Meet the eligibility standards of Emploi-Québec’s Workforce Training Measure

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Type of training program
  • Professional training
  • Collegial training
  • University

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Trailer mechanics

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