Instructor - Trainer

Through this training, you’ll acquire the skills you need to teach vehicle handling and mechanical operation.

Program code:


35 hours (suggested in-class time)


Master Instructor training certificate

As an instructor/trainer, you’ll teach driving courses inside or outside educational institutions. You’ll also be responsible for evaluating driver’s licenses in collaboration with provincial governments.

You will also learn to understand the needs of adults in training, to observe and correct the performance of new drivers, to evaluate their skills in different work contexts, and to write evaluation reports. What’s more, you’ll be trained to prepare training sessions and present course content with ease. This course will give you the tools to become a competent and effective instructor in the road transport sector.


Conditions vary from one establishment to another. To find out what they are, consult the websites of each establishment.

This training is offered in these regions

To find out about the availability of places in this program or to fill in the application form, visit the school’s website.

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