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Truck trailer repair specialists have the knowledge, skills and abilities to diagnose defects in electrical, pneumatic and hydraulic systems, running gear, coupling units, refrigeration units and other equipment. perform maintenance.
Between 20,000$ and 27,000$
Certificate of vocational studies in truck trailer mechanics (AEC – 780 hours)
Heavy duty truck body repairers en réparation et remise en état des carrosseries et garnitures intérieures, travaillant dans des ateliers de carrosserie, des centres d’estimation et des usines de fabrication.
Trailer mechanics
Explore a rewarding career in road transportation. If you have experience in HR, communications, marketing, the trucking sector offers you a multitude of opportunities.
6450, rue Notre-Dame Ouest, Bur. 200
Montréal (Québec) H4C 1V4
Phone : 514 932-0377
Toll free : 1 800 361-5813
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