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Body repairers repair and restore damaged body parts and interior trim on vehicles. They work in body shops and estimating centers, as well as in manufacturing and assembly plants.
Between 27 040 $ and 58 240 $
Considering the expected evolution of labor demand and the unemployment situation at the start of the period, the outlook for labor market integration is satisfactory.
Dent removal
The bodywork Diploma of Professional Studies (DEP) lasts a total of 1,590 hours (1½ years) and is offered on a full-time basis.
An apprenticeship program of three to four years in vehicle dent removal, or more than three years’ experience in vehicle dent removal and formal training in dent removal, are usually required to qualify for the certificate of qualification.
Excellent dexterity
Interest in :
One of the following options:
Heavy-duty vehicle mechanics
Discover the exciting world of mechanics: repairing, diagnosing and maintaining essential road transport vehicles.
Office trades
Explore a rewarding career in trucking. If you have experience in HR, communications or marketing, the trucking industry offers a wealth of opportunities.
6450, rue Notre-Dame Ouest, Bur. 200
Montréal (Québec) H4C 1V4
Phone : 514 932-0377
Toll free : 1 800 361-5813
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