We help you learn more to better guide job and training seekers

Unlock a fulfilling career in the world of transport

As a professional who supports young and old alike in their career choices, you have a crucial role to play. We’d like to support you so that you have everything you need to promote the various career options available to you. trainings and career opportunities available to everyone. 

The road haulage industry is brimming with job opportunities for those who want to make the most of it. The DEP in truck transportation is the shortest in the country ! College-level trainings allows you to enter the industry quickly, thanks to specialized, high-quality training. It’s also possible to take part in work-study programs

Need more information?

Would you like to find out more about the different professions in the road transport industry, job opportunities and the various training programs available for skills development? 

We have experienced representatives available to attend your open house, career day or classroom conference!

Get in touch with us