Rewarding careers in the road transport industry

Explore the training courses, careers and professional development opportunities that match your personality, aspirations and needs!

Choose your way to a promising future in trucking

The trucking industry offers you countless career opportunities. Whether you’re retraining, looking for opportunities after graduation, an experienced candidate looking for a job, or a newcomer to Canada looking for opportunities, the transportation industry has something for everyone. 

In Quebec, over 82,000 workers are currently active in this dynamic industry.

According to Camo-routecareer opportunities abound in the road haulage sector.

Job openings can be broken down as follows:

  • 5 500 truck drivers,
  • 3 000 mechanics,
  • 4,500 material handlers, and 4,000 office professionals (administrative, management).

    What’s more, a significant increase in retirements is forecast, as by 2020, almost half (49%) of Class 1 and 3 driver license holders will have passed the age of 55.

    It’s clear, then, that employment prospects in Quebec’s road haulage industry are excellent!

What is your career path?

Tell us where you stand, and we’ll guide you to the career opportunities best suited to your background.

Choosing a career?

Are you at the stage of deciding which training or diploma will enable you to work in a field you’re passionate about? Discover the career opportunities that await you in the transportation sector as a student.

Whether you’ve just graduated from high school, or are about to complete your degree in the transportation field,

Choose your way is here to support you.

Together, we’ll demystify the prejudices surrounding this industry and help you explore job opportunities that allow you to grow professionally while striking a balance between work, family and personal life.

Trucking: an industry in constant evolution

When we think of the world of trucking, we naturally think of the heroes of the road, such as truck drivers, mechanics and logistics coordinators.

Without these professionals, our industry simply couldn’t function.

However, it’s essential to recognize that a real team is the backbone of a transportation company, and without it, our daily lives would take a very different turn.

Looking for a career change?

Looking for a change? Looking for new challenges? If you’d like to discover a new industry, if you’re a dynamic and passionate young retiree who wants to continue to contribute to society and grow professionally in new horizons, we have a place for you.

The industry recognizes your wealth of experience and skills, and we can help you find a new job that will allow you to build on what you’ve learned while continuing to learn and grow.

We know that you’re concerned about the cost and duration of your professional training, as well as any future government penalties. This video can help you find your way.

We need women like you!

Have you always wanted to join the industry? We’re here to help you make your dream come true!

We recognize the challenges you face in your quest to join the transportation industry, including concerns about safety and reconciling family and professional life.

You’ll see that many changes are underway, and that the industry is mobilized to facilitate the healthy integration of those who wish to contribute to our industry.

Visit Women truck drivers : objective 10%

You’ll find resource guides and companies who put everything in place to welcome you.

Newcomers? We welcome you!

We understand the challenges you may face as a newcomer seeking recognition for your experience in a new environment. There are prior learning assessment programs for which you may be eligible.Navigating the immigration system and administrative procedures can be complex, which is why Camo-route has put together a Support Guide for companies wishing to recruit internationally

You can also take a look at this capsule, which provides tips and tricks to help you prepare for your arrival.

Looking for a new job?

If you’re passionate about the transportation industry and looking for a new job, we’re here to help you make the transition.

We can help you find the position that matches your experience and skills.

There are a number of training and development courses available to help you make the transition to a career in our industry. You’ll be able to evolve according to your aspirations.

Educational institutions

Explore the training available, from vocational training to college and university programs, to acquire the essential skills to excel in your field of interest. Whether you’re just starting out or looking to expand your knowledge, there are programs to suit different levels of experience.

Consult the list of available educational establishments and find the one that best matches your aspirations and objectives.

Choose a type of training program

Type of training program
  • Professional training
  • Collegial training
  • University

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