The Foundation to help you build a career in road transport

The Foundation for road transport training (Fondation pour la formation en transport routier) supports and promotes initiatives that foster the development of a competent next generation, to ensure that the industry has a mobilized and proud workforce to meet the constant challenges of recruitment.

To this end, the Foundation maintains a dialogue with educational institutions at all school levels to raise awareness of the road transport industry and its training needs. In addition, the Foundation encourages the industry to be present during the educational process, so that students have a real vision of the industry and its job opportunities.

Since 1993, the Foundation and its partners have been awarding annual scholarships to transportation students to stimulate interest in the road transport industry. To date, the invaluable generosity of its partners – carriers, suppliers, the SAAQ and the Transports Ministry (Ministère des Transports et de la Mobilité durable) – has enabled the Foundation to award $344,000 in scholarships to 406 students.