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The dispatcher operates radios and other telecommunications equipment to dispatch vehicles and coordinate the activities of drivers and other personnel. He determines, negotiates, prepares and organizes the movement (national and international) of goods and people, and seeks the best value for money. He performs supervisory tasks, inventory management, warehousing and sales of transportation services. He/she implements the various stages of the logistics process (e.g. purchasing, transportation, customs clearance and distribution).
Between 27 040 $ and 60 320 $
High school graduate
Heavy-duty vehicle body repairer
Experts in body and interior repair and reconditioning, working in body shops, estimating centers and manufacturing plants.
6450, rue Notre-Dame Ouest, Bur. 200
Montréal (Québec) H4C 1V4
Phone : 514 932-0377
Toll free : 1 800 361-5813
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